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Jennifer Le, Director of Local Action

Name: Jennifer Le

Age: 22

Graduation Year: Spring 2017

UCSD College: Earl Warren

Major: General Biology

Hobbies: Hiking, binge watching Netflix shows (P.S. watch Master of None if you haven't yet!), traveling, and reading.

Fun Fact: I've lived in San Diego my entire life, at most 15 minutes away from the beach, and I've never learned how to swim.

Spirit animal: Chameleon

Star Sign: Pisces

How did you get involved with IHC?

I've been fortunate to have been a part of this amazing organization since the year it was founded in 2013.

I first heard about the organization from my aunt, who served on the board during the inaugural year, loved its mission statement and decided to apply.

One of the best decisions I've made as an undergraduate student.

What projects are you currently involved with?

Currently, I serve as part of this year's 2017-2018 board as Co-Director of Local Action.

I will be leading a project focused on tackling the issue of food waste in San Diego.

Did you know that approximately 504,829 San Diegans are faced with food insecurity and about 500,000 tons of food are wasted per year?

I was able to see first-hand-- perfectly edible, unexpired food being thrown in dumpsters behind grocery stores by participating in a dumpster dive led by President, Daryn. Such an eye-opening experience influenced me to start IHC's first Food Redistribution Project/Program.

What is one of your favorite moments with IHC?

I can't choose! I have so many fond memories with this organization it's too hard.

I had a lot of fun playing in the snow and having a snow ball fight with our IHC members during the Big Bear retreat last year. It was my first time there and being in snow!

Who/what inspires you?

My mom! She was diagnosed with breast cancer over 8 years ago and continues to fight it every day. She is incredibly positive and never distraught or sad despite her circumstance. Her compassion and dedication to her family and work makes me hopeful that I can do the same in the future.

Funny/embarrassing story?

I'm so awkward all the time, my life is an embarrassing story.

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